the latest

Hey There Little red Riding Hood 24 x 48 10in 300 dpi.jpg

24" X 48"


Now you will not be able to get that song out of your mind if you are a child of the 50's. This wolf haunted me for years since he locked eyes with me. I have done him in several other formats but never this large. The drippy drool is his signal that he is just waiting for you to like him and he will pounce. He lied about your taking time to pick the flowers for her not being against your mother's instructions and was able to beat you to Grandma's house. We all know what happened then! Be aware.

Push Come To Shove 90x42 10inches @ 300.jpg

42" TALL BY 90" WIDE

These young bulls were captured on 250 frames in my camera. I was fortunate to be driving around Yellowstone by myself and able to stop when I needed to. I spotted the one on the right coming out of the woods toward a hummock across the roadway from me and pulled over. It was the heart of the Rut season so I guessed a girlfriend or a competitor might be close. The other bull showed himself to me left and no other cars were around so I had an unlimited view. They sparred and pushed and sharpened their skills while building neck muscles for the real thing. Reminded me of young male humans poking each other in the chest before doing the shoulder shove and then the punches are thrown. With most humans on edge and defensive, looking for a fight it seems, in today's world, I felt this was a statement of the times.

Cautious Re Entry 18x36 10 inches 300 dpi.jpg



Being true to myself, here is another reflection of my inner feelings, in a cat! This is exactly how I felt when all restrictions were lifted after Covid calmed down. I had grown used to them and had actually enjoyed travel and shopping with them, so I was hesitant when it was back to what we once called normal.

Circle of Life. 10 72DPI.jpg



When I saw this nest being started in the skull of a cow, it struck me as a wonderful symbol of how Mother Nature regenerates. Rather than approach it from a traditional point of view, I decided to create a bit of "unease" by the radical angle. this is meant to me thought-provoking, not "pretty".
